Egyptian Winged Disk Represents the Pituitary Gland

I have been revisiting the human anatomy as of late and I was pretty astounded by a correlation with the sphenoid bone and pituitary gland of the human body with the Egyptian winged disk.  There is an uncanny resemblance.  I was quickly reminded of the eye of Horus and the pineal gland.

Here is a picture of the Eye of Horus to refresh your memory or show you for the first time.


I really like this correlation and all the things it makes my mind think about.

Here is what I believe I have found.  First the solar winged disk.


Here is the sphenoid bone. The pituitary gland hangs just behind the Dorsum sellae in the sella turcica.  I think the likeness is uncanny.

sphenoid bone pituitary gland

 Retrieved from Wikipedia

Here is a picture from the side of the pituitary gland sitting in the Sella Turica and you can see it in relation to the pineal gland.  If the Egyptians were messing with one part of the brain they could have been snooping around in others.


I’m not sure where this idea can go, but there is certainly so much that can be ascertained.  We do know the Egyptians were all about cutting up the human body and that other ancient peoples have even performed brain surgery.

Were the Egyptians’ stories about the gods trying to assimilate a physical body with a spiritual mind?  How do we teach and pass on inner strength and morality?  If these things come from within us, where does within ever end?  Could it be considering a whole realm of reality that is within our own human minds?

I have always like to view the stories of the gods and goddesses as a way to formulate how humans and society work.  First you have higher thinking and authority, then you have so many different attributes of human behavior from anger to beauty and the arts to war.  Among the myths there is room for every human emotion along with an embodiment of values and ideals.  We as humans like to anthropomorphize everything.

Just think about the recent film Inside Out.  Each emotion was given specific character traits and bodies to match.  Hundreds of years in the future these characters may be seen as mythological gods.

While trying to find other correlations of the sphenoid bone and the winged sun disk, I found the following bit of information.  It brings in another feature called the optic chiasm which is the area where the optic nerves cross.  Now sight is being added to the equation.

Teaching about the sella turcica

I’m not sure what to think about it, but it is interesting how this little area is living on in teachings these days.  How come it lost the correlation with the winged disk?

I will leave you with this picture of where the optic chiasm is in relation to the pituitary gland.  Maybe someone out there will do a better job of bringing all this information together.



A Wandering Soul

A Wandering Soul…

I love to wander.

I love to wander through thoughts which ponder
of experience and understanding
of the many possibilities.

Wander through things that are imaginable
because I have had the ability and seen
and had the ability and did

and wander through things that are unimaginable
that only peek through bits and pieces
small gestures and fragments minutely perceivable

I love to imagine all the multitude of possibilities
and then to know that I still cannot fathom it all…

This understanding pushes me to wandering more
wander through the thoughts of others
not just in present day

but to travel into the past
to experience the lives
to imagine the exasperation
to feel the emotions of times before
yet ever so present

I love wandering through my gratuitous thoughts
things that come freely with experience
many memories of that which I have lived

My thankfulness of the language that humans have created
My gratefulness for the humans whom created the tools which recorded it
…and for the many hours spent and lifetimes used to document and record
so that I may wander this vast universe of possibilities

Thanks be to so many humans
throughout so many ages
influenced by so many cultures and ways of lifetimes
…for the thoughts of which I love to wander.

Are We As Consumers Doing All The Work?

We all know what production is, and we know what consumption is. You can refer to this older post about that here. There are those who are producers and those who are consumers, but have you ever heard of prosumption?

Many, many years ago (like the 1970’s) the word prosumption was coined to describe a change in the way that production of goods would be produced. It was reasoned that the economic landscape would grow to benefit consumers to such a degree that they would have much say in how and what was being produced. This is for the most part how some things turned out. One can have a specific saying or image produced onto t-shirts, mugs, and clocks with the click of a button. More and more consumers are producing their own media and customizing businesses across the internet to meet their own needs. Blogs being one of the biggest arenas for prosumption. We are the creators and consumers of the products or media being produced. YouTube is another great example of prosumption.
Actual prosumption, though, through mass customization of mega business for the consumer has not been met with their initial assumptions.

I would like to address some disconcerting fads that large corporations have begun to incorporate into their profit systems.

I hadn’t heard of prosumption until the other day. I came across this scientific article because of a fellow blogger. I am now more aware and would like others to be a bit more aware as well. We can not make fully informed decisions in our society if we are not fully aware of the mechanisms at work.

Most likely you have prosumed and you didn’t even know it. You know those oh so convenient check out lines where you get to ring up and bag your own groceries? Yep, you were not only consuming the goods from the store, you were part of the production process when you did the work of a cashier and bagger. Prosumerism is also present when you use your internet connection and your computer to shop around on the internet. You check yourself out and your goods arrive at your doorstep.

These things seem like great innovations. They are convenient and help you get through your day with less hassle, but in the long run are they really helping out our society as a whole?

When you choose to use the self checkout, are you getting a discount for doing the extra work? Not likely, you are paying the same prices as those using the cashier’s line. You can argue that is was quicker, but did the store under staff their cashiers on purpose? Did they artificially create longer lines? Were you essentially forced to use the self check-out? These are the things that we need to be aware of in our technologically advanced capitalistic society.

When we are not aware of what is going on, that is when we are open for exploitation.

All of big business is set up to make a profit. They are going to use everything they can to make more profit. If this means using less cashiers and more self-checkouts then that is what they are going to do. At first it seems great. We are moving forward as a society with the use of these machines, but what happens to that cashier who can’t make her house payment because her hours have been cut?

Think about all of the bookstores that went out of business since the advent of Amazon?

It seems our technology in the wrong hands (or wrong economic model) is a double edged sword.

I like innovation. I like the new things that we have created as a society, but I do not like the golem corporations that keep sucking up all the money and funneling it to the top. It definitely is a vortex.

I do not mind sometimes ringing up my own groceries and bagging them. I do however mind having my labor exploited for the bottom line.

Be ever vigilant my friends and we as the prosumer can begin to turn the tables.

Has Your Lifestyle Been Designed By Marketers


My husband moved up in the world of business about a year and a half ago. We did like most Americans and began spending more money. We decided to expand our family. We bought a new vehicle, and we decided to buy a larger house….this on top of just spending for spending’s sake.

Then we stopped ourselves and my husband quit his job on Friday after a culmination of synchronistic events.


Because he wanted to stay at home more. We need him and he wants to be with us. Yes, I do have an art business I run out of my home, but it is still scary as hell moving away from an 8:30-6:30 job. (Screw this 9-5 nonsense, he was always away longer)

I really appreciate the following article for its candidness. I promise to update you on my husband’s antics at home. He has been home for only a few days straight and already my baby’s first words are dada…go figure.

Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek).

Have you quit you day job?

I want to know gory details.

A vaccine against magic

Just as a cautious businessman avoids tying up all his capital in one concern, so, perhaps, worldly wisdom will advise us not to look for the whole of our satisfaction from a single aspiration. -Sigmund Freud

We are the thing that creates change.

A vaccine against magic.

Will Our Own Creations Take Over One Day?

Nothing Skews Nature Quite Like Monsters and Zombies.

It seems there are others out there feeling the same way I do about some of the systems that we have created.  Have you heard of the hive mind they have created for robots?  I have quite a few thoughts in my head where this can lead, and hopefully the one where the psychopathic corporate heads are taken down for not making any logical sense.

Here are a few more links of interesting articles that correlate with my previous post.





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Human ingenuity has created a world that the mind cannot master. Have we finally reached our limits?

The New Totalitarianism: How American Corporations Have Made America Like the Soviet Union

The Ever Winding and Tightening Gyre of Disappearing Whiffenpoofs

So It Begins: Darpa Sets Out to Make Computers That Can Teach Themselves




The Encompassing Ego…with order there must be chaos

rustic compass

I try to help nudge open the minds of those around me with one action at a time.  This is how I live my life; trying to be an example of what happens when someone just is, which is quite difficult in our technology and service driven world.  I like for one moment to run into the next without much planning ahead or thinking about how my action will be perceived by others….

…that is what I like to tell myself anyways.

What was just written was my ego trying to make its identity fit into some kind of role.  The persona I relate to which helps me remember my story and give meaning to my life, the one I have been creating since the birth of my avatar.

Although we are told when we are young “We can achieve our dreams” no one specified that our dreams mustn’t hold our only value and true worth.  We should also be told the we must have understanding of ourselves beside our actions for the ego.

I just got off the phone with my father who I haven’t spoken to since last weekend.  I speak to him every weekend and we have long conversations about life in general.  Sometimes he is coherent; sometimes he has had way too much to drink.  Most of the time he gets offended by something said or misconstrued.  Today he was angry because I didn’t call him on Father’s Day.

I explained that it was a day that only brings more pain than joy for those who have had losses in their lives and that should one day hold so much baring on one’s character.  It has been turned from a day of commemoration to a day of counting up grievances so that they can be doled back out, much like any other commemorating day in the eyes of divisionalized corporate societies.

He didn’t much like my explanation, so I asked him if I was wrong to not speak to him that one day when I speak to him every other weekend of the year.  He couldn’t answer.  I also asked if my sister who called him that one day yet ignores his calls throughout the year was now somehow “off the hook” because she called on this special designated day.

To me, how can someone came up with a day that was soon adopted commercially and is synonymous with one attending a weekly church service to make them feel good about themselves.

The feeding that ego again is what it is all about.  We all want to be heard, we all want our experience to be known, we all want to be honored, and we all want someone to celebrate us.  How can anyone be trusted when the actions that they pursue are for the ego?

It is trust that is no longer valid when one lets go of the ego and no longer has the need to be offended.

My father quickly changed the subject from my infraction to his ego over to what my current status is on some projects.  Well mainly just the project that involves a metal sign created by my late grandfather.  It once traversed the entrance to his family’s land.  This was the land which had been in our family since the inception of U.S. War Bounty Land Warrants given out to veterans of the Revolutionary War; lands that were slowly sold off in small parcels when economic times became rough and eventually succumbed to being completely lost when my grandfather died and his new wife decided she no longer wanted the upkeep, but rather the money it was worth.

June 075My uncle removed the sign from the property, repainted it and had it lying in his backyard until his wife decided to leave him, take his home, and sell it.

It has now been resting and rusting away in my uncle’s former neighbor’s yard until I rescued it a few weeks ago.  My plan is to sand it down and repaint it to keep the rust from eating it to nothing.  Although there is no longer hundreds of year old family land for it to grace the entrance, there can be a resurrection of it amongst my vegetable garden in the suburbs.

This is I do believe is something to commemorate, or maybe not, since it means the passing of a way of life that may never again be seen in this country.

(I wonder what ever came of the old family graveyard tucked away in the woods on that property?)

I informed my dad that the sign is patiently nesting between my corn and grapes awaiting its make-over, and that I have more pressing projects before the grinding can commence.  He wasn’t impressed.

 He scoffed at my involvement with People Against the NDAA .  He told me that I can’t change the way things are.

Really? What happened to father’s telling their children that the world is at their feet?

Man, there could be a long list of achievements that never were if their inspiration came from father’s like mine.

I see my future to be bright and I will not allow there to be anyone with the authority over me and my family that of sovereign action.  Do people not realize that laws create futures?  These are the parameters we are setting for our children’s achievements.  This is when that inspiring adage “Be all that you can be” warps into “Be what we say you can be or move out of our way.”

I continue loving my dad for the human that he is and leave the inspiration to those who stood up for something like Samuel Adams who said, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

That is if I can trust the intentions of those who wrote the history books.

(Damn ego)

Getting Lost in the Experience

april 003

My helper as I work on a wedding topper. He lets me know if I’m doing a good job, and when it is lunch time.

I spend my work day with my 3 year old, so the majority of my adult conversations are held with me, and when one talks to herself for long enough she quickly gets into “that” category.  You know the category of thoughts that question everything around you.  Questions about society and the way things are set up socially.  The “rules” one must follow to be considered normal on the saneness scale.

For instance, the thoughts that the majority of a human’s expenditure of energy is put forth on cleaning the insides of their homes and dressing up the exteriors; that is if they don’t work so much that they just pay someone else to put forth this expense so they can spend ever more time working to make the money to pay for the help, or they are just lazy.  Now, I’m not thinking about Better Homes and Gardens dressing up, just plain old cut-the-grass, weed-the-beds, pick-up-whatever-the-wind-blew-in kind of stuff.  Then if you are one of those who cherish the lushly green turf without a spot of “weeds” aka ‘natural fauna’ then you have more expenditure.

Weeds vs. TurfI think about all those poor weeds that never had a chance with all their pretty miniature flowers…they get killed and washed away with some harsh chemicals so that the uniform grass can take over with all of its spring death and dullness.  Does anyone entertain the thought about where these chemicals go once the rain washes them away?  I think about it every time I see one of those guys ambling through a yard spraying the green stuff on a neighor’s lawn.  A lawn that a kid might crash his bike into and land on which in turn covers his clothes and shoes where touched.

The river being referred to by this sewer drain is the Mighty Mississippi or as we like to call him Old Man River

The river being referred to by this sewer drain is the Mighty Mississippi or as we like to call him Old Man River

That poor aquatic fauna never saw it coming.  I wonder how many vegans only care about directly effecting animals and ignore the indirect suffering they may cause?  Does not the extraction of oil for gasoline and all those nice plastic things decimate animal populations?  Do vegans not drive cars or talk on cell phones because the production of these things would cause distress to animals?

I wonder how much time is spent cleaning in different tribes around the world or how much my ancestors cleaned theirs and others homes.  I try to keep my home clean, but I would also love to spend time with my children outside exploring ideas and experiences.  Society was set up the way that it is when I was born, so I must spend the extra-time either paying for someone to keep a standard or keep the standard myself so that I am not ostracized by a group of which I am supposed to be a part.  Why do I want to be part of their group?  Why do I want them to accept me?

I hold expectations of others in my group as well.  I expect that people would only present themselves in public places fully clothed.  I do not wish to see pajama pants at the grocery store.  Then I wonder, do they get in their bed with those clothes that they have walked around in all day?  How often do they clean their sheets? Do they have breathing problems or trouble sleeping? Do they know that if they didn’t unnecessarily use all those harsh chemicals then they wouldn’t be bringing them into their enclosed homes and rubbing them all over their carpets and sheets and breathing them in for 7 hours every night?

They could be so much more comfortable and healthy if it was socially acceptable to actually tell people these things to their faces and if they were actually open enough to accept advice from someone in their community.  Community…that’s a word that has been redefined in our society.

Community should be the knowing that one is amongst others who will help and guide them.  It is innate in the human to seek validation for their existence; for humans to want to be accepted as part of a group.  Humans want to seek out the emotions that make them feel good.  It could be the feeling that they are needed which makes them happy.  The feeling that they made someone laugh which brings laughter into their hearts.  The thought that they helped make someone’s life that much more grand with their show of love.

There are also those that seek validation of their own greatness.  The one that seeks to be on top at the expense of making their colleague look like a fool.  The one that would rather get the pat on the back then save the jobs of thousands.

To each his own…the darkness is that which defines the light and without light there would not be darkness.

This is about how I explain it, because I feel as though I can’t do anything to change it.  It is much easier this way, and sometimes going with the flow is your only choice…or is it?

Looks like the struggle never ends…

Artists John Pitre's depiction of man's struggle here on earth with his self imposed restrictions.

Artists John Pitre’s depiction of man’s struggle here on earth with his self imposed restrictions.

Twelve Art World Habits to Ditch in 2012

The above article reminded me of when I learned about the history on Monet and the French Impressionistic movement which happened over 100 years ago.  It is also reminiscent of the movements in the art world in the 1960’s.

I wondered: Do they teach about the movements against the mainstream art world in academia?

I never attended an art class so I haven’t a clue.  I do know that I have come across many with art degrees and some with Masters who have never sold a thing and are very unsure of what exactly to do when it comes to selling or marketing their art.

I now wondered:  What do they teach in art school?

I have only always had a longing to put down on paper what I saw all around me and that is where my talent blossomed.  I am rarely without pencil and paper and I want to learn all that I can about materializing my thoughts and dreams.  I gleaned what I could as a child from the encyclopedia, drawing everything that I could find, and spending hours concentrated on nothing other than my drawings.

Still, I never believed myself an artist and I spend much of what I make a month paying off student loans for a Science degree that has yet to land me a job.

I think we may be due for another revolution in many aspects of our lives here on earth as a species.  Much of what we do in everyday life doesn’t make much sense for our well being and is getting pretty absurd.

I now will end in wonder…Do we really need more than one pair of shoes, or hand held electronic devices that occupy our every waking moment, or over processed food that is killing us and making us miserable…

I dream therefore I fix my problems…

It speaks for itself

(was looking for a post and saw that this was still a draft…not sure why I never posted it so I will now  It is from October of 2012.)

The other day I had a few moments between errands and I stopped off at the local Goodwill Bookstore for a peruse. I know that this is not an easy task with a two year old, especially if I actually want to leave with decent read, but I had the urge to find something new to read. After 10 minutes of hearing my son on the other aisle pulling down books from the shelf and asking random customers “what this is?”, I just selected 3 books laid them on the check-out counter and chased my son through the back stockroom of the store. Some days I seriously doubt my sanity will last till this one makes it into adulthood.

That leads me into one of the lucky frantically chosen books. I love the Goodwill on all levels. It satisfies my need to do good for the environment and up-cycle goods plus I get 3 new books for only 8 bucks…you can’t beat that. Well, you can’t beat it until I get one of those on my street that I have seen popping up in Memphis. I may just have to add another project to my I’m-not-procrastinating list.

One of my books I bought was Dreams: Your Magic Mirror by Elsie Sechrist. I have been mulling over for the past few weeks what I want to be when I grow up, still. I will turn 30 in a matter of a few days and my Saturn return has been a doozy. At the beginning of my 28th year I was struck with an illness that forced me to choose between my job and my health. I reluctantly chose my health. See, I took the safe route and received a degree in Business and Communication (Public Relations) instead of pursuing my dreams to become an artist and researcher.

I of course over thought the whole situation as I normally do. I wanted to prove myself to my family and I suspected a business degree over an art degree would duly impress. It has not. I have now only run into the fact that I have the talent and urge to be an artist with no degree in a society that clings to higher education over talent as a value meter.

Or so I think anyways. I think that I think too much. Actually, I know that I think too much, but I color my comments so as to trick myself into believing that I just think that I think too much and don’t really know for certain that I think too much. See, told you I even go as far as to come to conclusions for other people all the time. Boy can other people come up with the rudest of comments in my conversations. They are the evil doers and I am the old wise one with the great one-liners. This is why I never attend social events. Why would I, I have all that at home without the fear of looking like a foolish ass in front of everyone. Of course I know that this is illogical, but I can be very convincing otherwise, and I only came to the above conclusion after reading about toilets in my new book.

See, I am still learning from those odd moments. Apparently when toilets or commodes come up in your dreams they represent cleansing of bad habits is needed. I have been writing my dreams down for three days now after beginning this book. These are long elaborate dreams that I have that I hope to gain insight from about my life, and all the time I ignored the toilet scenes and left them out. Even in my recall I was avoiding my problems. That is until I hit that part in my book about the toilet dream. It was like my mind instantly recalled every toilet dream I had had for the last six months, which turned out to be quite a lot. I have been dreaming about needing to pee and something being totally wrong about every toilet that I encountered…dirty toilets, blocked toilets, broken toilets, exposed toilets…you name it I have dreamt it. The toilets got their very own page dedicated to them in my dream journal. My higher self has been trying to tell me for quite some time that my problem was in my face all along and I was avoiding it at every turn. My thought patterns have got to change.

So, this morning after my epiphany I pulled out The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety by Dr. William Knaus that I stashed away long ago to forget that I had convinced myself that I was not the problem and that it was just everyone else making my days unbearable. I was recommended the book and knew I needed to deal with the way that I look at the world, but I guess it takes the motivation of needing to pee real bad and not getting the satisfaction of a nice warm toilet seat.

I am off to work toward the day when I can say I finally peed in my dreams.

I will leave you with this quote of the day I saw while checking my proper use of doozy:

“A mind that questions everything, unless strong enough to bear the weight of its ignorance, risks questioning itself and being engulfed in doubt. If it cannot discover the claims to existence of the objects of its questioning—and it would be miraculous if it so soon succeeded in solving so many mysteries—it will deny them all reality, the mere formulation of the problem already implying an inclination to negative solutions. But in so doing it will become void of all positive content and, finding nothing which offers it resistance, will launch itself perforce into the emptiness of inner revery.”
-Emile Durkheim